CE Certification

How can iCertifi help us obtain the CE Certification?

Let iCertifi help you with your CE approvals. Since we are a consulting firm, we offer a different approach to homologations.  Since we are not a test laboratory, we have partnerships with several test laboratories worldwide.  We will negotiate the pricing from multiple test labs to ensure you obtain the best pricing possible.  Since we are not tied to a single laboratory, we can also find laboratories with the best completion time. This allows you to obtain your certifications much faster which will allow your time to market to be expedited.

We have helped many companies become certified to sell their products in the European Union. Our experience in accordance with CE norms and our international partnerships with laboratories  and regulators allows you to engage a single company for all your International Market Access (IMA) needs.

Is it mandatory to obtain CE certification?

Obtaining a European conformity mark for products is mandatory for a majority of products being imported to the European Union.  Failure to comply can incur penalties such as:

  • fines
  • imprisonment
  • product suspensions
  • product ban

As a manufacturer, what do I need to do after we obtain the CE certification?

Product manufacturers needed to display the CE mark(stamp) on their product. The process of getting a CE mark(stamp) may seem vague.  An outline of the process is as follows:

  • Manufacturers documents and test reports will be assessed to ensure conformity.
  • A technical file must be completed. iCertifi will complete this on your behalf.
  • The manufacturer will issue a CE Declaration of Conformity (DoC)
  • CE mark will then be added to the product as a visual verification of compliance to CE standards.

What is the distributor’s responsibility for products that require CE marking?

Distributors of products requiring CE marking should be inspected to ensure that this brand is present and properly positioned in the items. Distributors must also examine the accompanying documentation to ensure that the CE mark is obtained legally and correctly.

If you are a merchant for a product that is distributed in the European Economic Area, please contact us for professional certification services. We can help you to ensure that your products are on a legal level of safety, a level of health and environmental protection.

Who sets standards for products that are sold to EEA?

Postal stamps are established in accordance with the EC directives. This Directive is a legal act of the European Union (EU). The EU has established product codes for many industries in 1985. These standards are standards of health, safety and environmental protection.

Presently, set standards and legal standards are managed by two separate entities. While the European Union has established compliance with CE rules, you do not have to go through the EU. Instead, compliance can be applied in different ways.

1. Each distribution company has the opportunity to check the compliance efforts of their manufacturers. If the distributor checks their client’production, the manufacturer of the product must provide evidence of their CE mark.

2. Different European countries within the European Union have the ability to manage individual and local enforcement.

3. Third party testers may be engaged to evaluate whether EC certification standards are met.

iCertifi can assist you with  your CE certification which often is the first step in International Market Access.  If your ambitions are to sell your products globally, iCertifi can assist you with this process as well.  We are proficient in certifications such as; CE, FCC, Industry Canada (IC), safety type approval (CB Scheme, IRAM S-Mark), Energy Efficiency such as CONUEE in Mexico and more.  iCertifi can also provide you with local applicant services in any country you wish to penetrate.  Let us help you eliminate the burdens to International Market Access. Contact us at (541) 275-5020 to get started on your CE certification.

What is the meaning of CE Certificate of Compliance?

CE Certificate of Compliance allows products to move freely and sell on the European market. This brand offers consumers proof that the product meets the environment, health and safety standard set by the EEA. Performance requirements are not a guarantee of quality. This simply means that the product fulfills the conditions for sale in the EU.

It is important to note that the CE marking does not mean that the product is made in the EEA. The European conformity marking indicates that it has reviewed, approved and pass the environment, safety and health that the EEA has established for a product to be sold in the EEA.