Indonesia – SDPPI Certification Requirements

Indonesia SDPPI certification requirements are expected to be revised soon. A draft proposal has been released that outlines new document requirements as well as updated testing procedures.

Proposed Key Points:

  • Certificate holder must be a local company-office-importer based in Indonesia.
  • Two types of approvals
    • Certification without Declaration of Conformity (DoC) (Local testing in Indonesia)
    • Certification under DoC (Test reports issued by foreign countries)
  • Equipment allowed under DoC certification includes:
    • Mobile Phones
    • Handheld Computer
    • Tablet
    • Short Range Devices
  • Test reports from foreign countries must be lass than 3 years old.

This is currently a draft proposal. As soon as we are notified of official SDPPI certification requirements we will provide an update.  Please contact us at for more information on regulatory updates.

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