Argentina Type Approvals

If you’re planning to import or sell products in Argentina, you may need to comply with various technical regulations and obtain type approvals from regulatory authorities such as ENACOM, IRAM, and S-mark. This can be a complex and time-consuming process, but iCertifi is here to help. 

We offer a wide range of Argentina type approval services that can save you time, reduce your costs, and ensure your products meet the relevant standards and regulations. Our team of experts has years of experience in the industry and can guide you through the entire process, from testing and certification to compliance and market access. 

Argentina Type Approval Process

The Argentina type approval process typically involves several steps, such as: 

  • Identifying the relevant technical regulations and standards 
  • Testing your products to ensure they meet the requirements 
  • Preparing and submitting the necessary documentation to the regulatory authorities 
  • Obtaining the type approval certificates 
  • Renewing the certificates as required 

iCertifi can help you with all of these steps and more. Our services are tailored to your specific needs and can cover a wide range of products, including: 

  • Electrical and electronic devices 
  • Telecommunications equipment 
  • Personal protective equipment 
  • Automotive entertainment equipment 

Argentina Technical Regulations

Argentina has various technical regulations that apply to different types of products, such as electrical safety, electromagnetic compatibility, radiofrequency spectrum, and more. Our team can help you identify the relevant regulations and standards, ensure your products meet the requirements, and obtain the necessary type approvals. 

Homologation in Argentina

Homologation is the process of certifying that a product meets the technical and safety requirements of a particular country or region. In Argentina, homologation is required for various types of products, such as vehicles, parts, and accessories. Our team can help you with the homologation process and ensure your products meet the relevant standards and regulations. 

ENACOM Argentina and IRAM Certification Argentina

ENACOM and IRAM are two regulatory bodies in Argentina that oversee the certification and testing of various products. Our team can help you with ENACOM or IRAM certification, including product testing, submission of applications, and compliance with the relevant regulations. 

Argentina Electrical Certification, Argentina Telecom Certification, and S-Mark Certification Argentina

If you’re planning to import or sell electrical or telecommunications equipment in Argentina, you may need to comply with various technical regulations and obtain the necessary certificates. Our team can help you with Argentina electrical certification, Argentina telecom certification, and S-mark certification, including product testing, submission of applications, and compliance with the relevant standards. 

Conformity Assessment Argentina, Testing and Certification in Argentina, and Product Certification in Argentina

Our services also include conformity assessment, assistance with testing and product certification in Argentina. We can help you ensure your products meet the relevant standards and regulations and obtain the necessary certificates for market access. 

Contact us today at to learn more about our Argentina type approval services and to request a quote. We look forward to working with you.