Indonesia Type Approvals

If you’re looking to obtain type approval for your equipment in Indonesia, iCertifi can help. We offer comprehensive type approval services for a wide range of equipment, including telecom and wireless devices. Our team of experts is well-versed in the regulatory requirements and can guide you through the process from start to finish. 

Regulatory Authorities for Indonesia Type Approval 

In Indonesia, the Directorate General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Information Technology (SDPPI) is the authority in charge for approving telecommunication and EMC equipment. SDPPI regulations ensure that all telecom equipment meets the technical and safety standards set by the government. They evaluate equipment and issue type approvals for both domestic and foreign manufacturers. 

Types of Equipment Requiring Type Approval 

Various types of equipment require type approval in Indonesia, including but not limited to: 

  • Mobile phones 
  • Tablets 
  • Wireless routers
  • Bluetooth devices
  • Satellite communication equipment
  • Televisions
  • Audio and video equipment 

Indonesia Type Approval Requirements and Process 

To obtain Indonesia type approval, your equipment must comply with the technical and safety standards set by SDPPI. The specific requirements vary depending on the type of equipment. iCertifi can help you determine the specific requirements and ensure that your equipment meets them. We keep you informed every step of the way, so you always know the status of your application. 

Indonesia SNI Certification and Marking 

In addition to type approval, certain types of equipment in Indonesia also require SNI certification. SNI is a mandatory certification scheme that ensures that products meet Indonesian safety, health, and environmental requirements. iCertifi can help you obtain SNI certification and ensure that your equipment is marked with the SNI logo, which is required for products sold in Indonesia.

Choose iCertifi

Obtaining Indonesia type approval can be a complex process, but iCertifi can simplify it for you. We offer comprehensive type approval services for a wide range of equipment, including telecom and wireless devices. Our team of experts can guide you through the entire process and ensure that your equipment meets all the regulatory requirements.  

Contact us today at to learn more about our Indonesia type approval services.