Nicaragua Type Approvals

iCertifi is a trusted provider of type approval services for various types of equipment in Nicaragua. Our expert team can help you navigate the complex regulatory landscape and obtain the necessary approvals to sell your products in the Nicaraguan market. 

Regulatory Authority for Nicaragua Type Approval 

The regulatory authority responsible for type approval in Nicaragua is the Instituto Nicaragüense de Telecomunicaciones y Correos (TELCOR). TELCOR is responsible for regulating and supervising the telecommunications and postal services sectors in Nicaragua. 

Types of Equipment Requiring Type Approval in Nicaragua 

In Nicaragua, many types of equipment require type approval before they can be sold or used in the country. Some examples of equipment that require type approval in Nicaragua include: 

  • Telecommunications equipment 
  • Radio communication equipment 
  • Wireless devices
  • Satellite communication equipment 

Nicaragua Type Approval Process 

The type approval process in Nicaragua can be complex and time-consuming, with many requirements and regulations to navigate. Our team at iCertifi can help guide you through the process and ensure that your equipment meets all necessary requirements for approval. 

Nicaragua Homologation 

Homologation is the process of verifying that a product conforms to the technical and safety standards required in Nicaragua. At iCertifi, we can provide homologation services to ensure that your equipment meets all necessary standards for approval. 

How to Get Type Approval in Nicaragua 

To obtain type approval in Nicaragua, you will need to submit an application to TELCOR and provide all necessary documentation and test results. Our team at iCertifi can assist you with the application process and ensure that all requirements are met for approval. 

Cost of Type Approval in Nicaragua 

The cost of type approval in Nicaragua can vary depending on the type of equipment and the level of testing required. At iCertifi, we offer competitive pricing for our type approval services, and we can provide you with a detailed cost estimate before beginning the approval process. 

Nicaragua Type Approval Regulations 

The type approval regulations in Nicaragua can be complex and subject to change. Our team stays up-to-date on all relevant regulations and can help ensure that your equipment meets all necessary requirements for approval. 

Contact iCertifi for Nicaragua Type Approval Services 

If you need type approval services for your equipment in Nicaragua, contact iCertifi today at Our expert team can help guide you through the approval process and ensure that your equipment meets all necessary requirements for approval. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you obtain the necessary approvals for your equipment in Nicaragua.