Taiwan – Goodbye To 3G

Taiwan’s telecom regulator the National Communications Commission (NCC), has revealed that 3G licenses are scheduled to expire on December 31, 2018 and services will terminate in January 2019. As Taiwan says goodbye to 3G, the officials do expect that the shutdown will be smoother than the 2G termination, which has not been supported since July 1, 2017.

The NCC had this to say about the 3G termination:

“Since radio frequency spectrum is a precious and scarce resource and must be managed efficiently, operators that wish to use it are required to apply for a concession license valid for a certain period. In compliance with Article 48 of Regulations for Administration of the Third Generation Mobile Communications Business (3G), the duration of a 3G concession license began from the issuance date and remains valid until December 31, 2018. After this date, the license expires, which means all 3G will be terminated and operators will no longer be permitted to operate 3G (3G operators granted a 4G concession license can still use their licensing spectrum to provide WCDMA service after 3G termination). Thus, those individuals still subscribing to 3G service are required to renew their contracts with operators into 4G.”

For any questions on regulatory services in Taiwan, please contact us at info@www.icertifi.com 

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