Thailand – NBTC Updated Notifications

The office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) in Thailand has officially announced the following notifications.

  • Notification of NBTC on Criteria of authorization to use frequency for Ultra-wideband radio communication equipment 1.6-10.6 GHz
  • Notification of NBTC on Technical standard for Ultra-wideband radio communication equipment 1.6-10.6 GHz (Technical Standard NBTC TS 1034-2561)

Announcement date by NBTC: November 30, 2018
Announcement date on Royal Gazette: January 2, 2019
Effective date: January 3, 2019

Key points are:

Authorized use of frequency band 1.6-10.6 GHz for UWB equipment. UWB devices will need to apply for Class A type approval for import and selling in Thailand.

  • NBTC TS 1001-2561 Radio communication Equipment Used in Land Mobile Service in VHF/UHF Frequency Bands for Speech Communications
  • NBTC TS 1024-2561 Radio communication Equipment Used in Land Mobile Service in VHF/UHF Frequency Band for Speech and/or Data Communications 

Announcement date by NBTC: December 6, 2018
Announcement date on Royal Gazette: January 2, 2019
Effective date: April 3, 2019

Key points are:

NBTC TS 1001-2561

  1. Channel spacing change from 12.5KHz /25 khz to 6.25 kHZ/12.5kHZ
  2. Testing requirements changing due to the channel spacing change
    a. Rated power
    b. Conducted spurious emissions
    c. Frequency error
    d. Frequency deviation
    e. Adjacent channel power
    f. Maximum usable sensitivity
    g. Adjacent channel selectivity
  3. Standard will accept IEC 62368-1

Changes of NBTC TS 1024-2561

  1. Channel spacing change from 12.5KHz /25 khz to 6.25 kHZ/12.5kHZ
  2. Testing requirements changing due to the channel spacing change
    a. Rated power
    b. Conducted spurious emissions
    c. Frequency error
    d. Adjacent channel power
    e. Inter-modulation attenuation
    f. Maximum usable sensitivity
    g. Error behavior at high input levels
    h. Adjacent channel selectivity
  3. Standard will accept IEC 62368-1

If you have questions on Type Approval services in Thailand please contact us at

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