Japan – Update for UWB and mmWave Radar Regulations

MIC Guideline for Use of the US and European Standards Test Data for 2.4GHz Band

Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has recently released an update under Ordinance No.87 which revised the previous  regulations pertaining to:

  • Radio Equipment Regulations
  • Enforcement of Radio Law regulations
  • Technical Regulations to specific radio equipment

The update to Ordinance  No. 87 impacts the usage of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) systems for outdoor use as well as for mmWave radars deployed in Japan.

The ministry now allows the use of the 7.25 to 9 GHz band to be used for UWB system and clarifies that the devices using this technology  should also comply with the following parameters:

  • The device must have an average antenna power of -41.3dBm/MHz or below.
  • The peak antenna power must be 0 dBm/50 MHz or less.
  • The tolerance of occupied frequency bandwidth should be 1.75GHz
  • The frequency bandwidth for radiant power is 10 dB lower than the maximum radiant power: 450MHz or greater.
  • The device housing should be designed to prevent easy opening.

The updated regulation also modified the requirements for mmWave radars working within the 60GHz bands.  Specifically the following updates were made:

  • pulse amplitude modulation type
  • the frequency allocation to 57GHz – 54GHz
  • antenna power is limited to 12dBm or lower
  • the EIRP should be 17dBm or lower

For questions regarding these updates to MIC Ordinance No. 87  contact iCertifi or your account manager.


  • Reply Caroline Yu February 1, 2023 at 10:48 am

    I wonder what other bands are open for UWB use in Japan and if other Japan UWB rules and regulations are also under Ordinance 87.

    • Reply Faith Jacobs Smith February 13, 2023 at 1:47 pm

      Hi Caroline, thank you for the inquiry. We will email you directly with that information.
      If you have further questions, please feel free to email us at info@icertifi.com.

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