New Zealand – Public Consultation on Five-Year Spectrum Outlook

RSM Short range devices

The Radio Spectrum Management (RSM) has opened a public consultation on the Draft Five-Year Spectrum Outlook 2022-2026. The document sets out RSM’s thoughts on the main technology and spectrum management trends over the next five years and the implications for spectrum management in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Highlights of the consultation are:

  • enabling the nationwide roll-out of 5G services and
  • working towards an enduring agreement between Māori and the Crown on spectrum interests.

The consultation may be accessed here and feedback from interested stakeholders should be submitted in writing, no later than 5pm on February 28, 2022:

By email: (preferred option)

Subject line: “5 Year Spectrum Outlook”

If you would like more information, please contact iCertifi.

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