Brazil – ANATEL Resolution Nº 757/2022 Regulation of Conditions for the Use of Radiofrequencies

Act No. 9960 ANATEL 2024

On November 11, 2022, The Agencia Nacional de Telecomunicacoes (ANATEL)  published Resolution Nº 757/2022 Regulation of Conditions for the Use of Radiofrequencies. The Resolution took effect on December 1, 2022.

The following allocation changes are resolved in the form of Annex:

  • Art. 2nd Change the allocation of radio frequency subbands from 703 MHz to 708 MHz and from 758 MHz to 763 MHz from Private Limited Service (SLP), in Public Security, National Defense and Infrastructure applications, to Private Limited Service (SLP), on a character primary.
  • Art. 3º Change the allocation of radio frequency subbands from 809 MHz to 814 MHz and from 854 MHz to 859 MHz from Private Limited Service (SLP) to Private Limited Service (SLP), in Public Security, Civil Defense and National Defense applications, on a primary.
  • Art. 4th Change the allocation of radio frequency subbands from 814 MHz to 819 MHz and from 859 MHz to 864 MHz from Private Limited Service (SLP) to Private Limited Service (SLP), in National Defense applications, on a primary basis.
  • Art. 5th Revoke the allocation of radio frequency subbands from 809 MHz to 819 MHz and from 854 MHz to 864 MHz for Private Limited Mobile Service (SLMP), Specialized Mobile Service (SME), Personal Mobile Service (SMP) and Television Repetition Service ( RpTV).
  • Art. 6 Allocate the radio frequency subbands from 819 MHz to 821 MHz and from 864 MHz to 866 MHz additionally to the Multimedia Communication Service (SCM), on a primary basis, and to the Fixed Switched Telephone Service (STFC), on a secondary basis.
  • Art. 7th Change the allocation of radiofrequency subbands from 821 MHz to 824 MHz and from 866 MHz to 869 MHz from Private Limited Service (SLP), in Public Safety applications to Private Limited Service (SLP), on a primary basis.
  • Art. 8º Revoke the allocation of radiofrequency subbands from 821 MHz to 824 MHz and from 866 MHz to 869 MHz for Specialized Mobile Service (SME), in Public Safety applications.
  • Art. 9 Allocate the radio frequency subbands from 821 MHz to 824 MHz and from 866 MHz to 869 MHz in addition to the Personal Mobile Service (SMP) and the Multimedia Communication Service (SCM), both on a primary basis, and the Fixed Switched Telephone Service (STFC ), on a secondary basis.
  • Art. 10. Allocate the radio frequency subbands from 905 MHz to 907.5 MHz and from 950 MHz to 952.5 MHz in addition to the Personal Mobile Service (SMP), the Multimedia Communication Service (SCM) and the Limited Private Service (SLP), all on a primary basis, and to the Fixed Switched Telephone Service (STFC), on a secondary basis.
  • Art. 11. Allocate the radio frequency subband from 1,900 MHz to 1,910 MHz in addition to the Personal Mobile Service (SMP) and the Limited Private Service (SLP), both on a primary basis.
  • Art. 12. Revoke the following resolutions and devices, which provide for the allocation, allocation and conditions of use of radio frequency bands: Resolutions 169, 224, 395, 453, 454, 455, 544, 558, 562, 625, 657, 672, 733, and 736.

Information obtained from the Official Source: Resolution Nº 757/2022 

For more information on Brazil ANATEL Type Approval requirements, please contact iCertifi.

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