India Type Approvals

iCertifi is a leading provider of India Type Approval services, helping businesses get their products certified for compliance with Indian regulatory standards. Our team of experts can assist you throughout the entire India Type Approval process, from understanding the requirements to submitting the application and obtaining the certificate. 

Regulatory Authorities

India has several regulatory authorities that oversee Type Approval certifications for different types of products. These include: 

  • Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS): responsible for Type Approval of electronic products, such as smartphones, laptops, and other consumer electronics. 
  • Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC): responsible for Type Approval of wireless communication equipment, such as Wi-Fi routers, Bluetooth devices, and other wireless devices. 
  • Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC): responsible for Type Approval of telecommunication equipment, such as mobile phones, base stations, and other telecom products. 

Types of Equipment that Require Type Approval

Different types of equipment require Type Approval certifications in India. These include: 

  • Electronic Products: Electronic products that use low-power wireless communication, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and RFID, require Type Approval from the WPC and BIS. 
  • Telecommunication Equipment: Telecommunication equipment, such as mobile phones, base stations, and modems, require Type Approval from TEC. 

India Type Approval Process

The India Type Approval process can vary depending on the product type and regulatory authority involved. Generally, the process involves the following steps: 

  1. Preparing the Application: This involves preparing the application with all the necessary documentation, such as technical specifications, test reports, and compliance certificates.
  2. Submitting the Application: The application is submitted to the relevant regulatory authority, along with the required fees. 
  3. Testing and Evaluation: The product undergoes testing and evaluation to ensure compliance with Indian regulatory standards. 
  4. Issuing the Certificate: Once the product is deemed compliant, the regulatory authority issues the Type Approval certificate. 

iCertifi can help you navigate the India Type Approval process for your products, ensuring compliance with Indian regulatory standards. With our expertise and experience, you can be confident in getting your product certified and ready for the Indian market.  

Contact us today at to learn more about our India Type Approval services.