Mexico – IFETEL Published the Guidelines for the Use of IFT Seal

IFETEL Annual Closure Dates

Following a Public Consultation in 2023, the Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFETEL) has published the Guidelines for the use of the IFT Seal on approved products, equipment, devices or apparatus for approved telecommunications or broadcasting. The Guidelines were published in the official gazette on December 26, 2023 and come into effect 180 days from the publication.

Highlights of the Guidelines are as follows:

  • The holder of a Homologation Certificate and, where applicable, subsidiaries and importers, must include the IFT Seal in the  labeling of telecommunications or broadcasting devices.
  • The IFT Seal must be printed in 100% positive black or 100% negative black, respecting the protection areas and minimum printing dimensions as defined in the Guidelines.
  • The IFT Seal must be legible without the aid of magnification or magnification, and easily visible to the end user.
  • During the approval process, access to the vector graphics for the IFT seal will be provided from the regulator.
  • Approved products must include the prefix “IFT” and the Certificate of Homologation number provided in addition to the IFT Seal.
  • The IFT Seal may only be used during the validity of the Certificate of Homologation for the approved product.

Example of IFT Seal:

This regulation will only apply to products certified after the enforcement date, so any product with a Certificate of Homologation obtained before it, can continue using the existing IFT marking.

For more information in Mexico IFT Type Approval requirements, please contact iCertifi.

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