Canada – ISED Consultation on RSS-123, Issue 5: Wireless Microphones and Wireless Multichannel Audio Systems

ISED RSS-123 Issue 5

The Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) has announced a public consultation on the revised Radio Standards Specification, RSS-123, Issue 5, focusing on Wireless Microphones and Wireless Multichannel Audio Systems. This revision includes significant updates to meet current technological and regulatory needs.

Key Changes in RSS-123, Issue 5

  • Enhanced Frequency Bands: New frequency bands have been added for operational flexibility.
  • Updated Definitions: Clarification of terms and alignment with international standards like ETSI.
  • Stricter Emission Standards: Revised limits on unwanted emissions to minimize interference.

Consultation Details

  • Access to Documents: The draft of RSS-123, Issue 5 is available for review on the Radio Advisory Board of Canada (RABC) website.
  • Submitting Comments: Feedback can be provided directly via the link provided on the RABC website. Provide Comments Here.
  • Comment Deadline: All comments must be submitted by June 20, 2024.

Implications for Stakeholders

Manufacturers, distributors, and users of wireless microphones and multichannel audio systems must familiarize themselves with these changes. Compliance will be mandatory after a six-month transition period following the publication of the new standard.

The consultation for RSS-123, Issue 5 is a critical step towards ensuring that Canadian standards for wireless audio equipment align with global technological advancements and regulatory frameworks. Stakeholders are encouraged to review the proposed changes and provide their feedback to influence the final regulations.

For more information on ISED approval requirements, please contact iCertifi.

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