Brazil – ANATEL New Technical Requirements for Interactive Educational Screens

Act No. 9960 ANATEL 2024

On June 28, 2024, ANATEL issued Act No. 9960, outlining significant updates to the technical requirements for interactive screens used in educational settings. This update reflects ANATEL’s commitment to enhancing educational technology across classrooms by ensuring high standards of safety, performance, and compatibility.

New Technical Requirements

Act No. 9960 specifies the approval of new technical parameters that interactive screens must meet to be used in educational environments. The act mandates a certification based on Type Testing with Periodic Evaluation every two years, indicating a robust approach to maintaining quality and compliance.

Key Changes Include:
  • Inclusion in the Telecommunications Product Reference List, approved by  Act No. 7280, of November 26, 2020: Interactive screens for educational use are now part of the “RF Equipment” category, reflecting their critical role in modern education.
  • Comprehensive Technical Evaluations: The act outlines detailed assessments for electrical safety, electromagnetic compatibility, and RF of the modules. These ensure the screens are safe, reliable, and secure under various operational conditions.
  • Specific Requirements for Communication Interfaces: Devices must meet stringent standards for wireless and data communication interfaces, ensuring seamless connectivity and interaction.
Coverage and Applicability

The coverage of Act No. 9960 extends to interactive T-type products specifically designed for educational environments, which includes:

  • Touchscreen Capabilities: The screen must be responsive to touch, whether by finger, a specific pen, or another object.
  • Connectivity: It must have a wireless internet connection.
  • Operating System: The system should support multidisciplinary applications that meet educational standards set by the Ministry of Education and the National Common Curricular Base.
  • Application Installation: The device should allow for the installation of various applications.
  • Design: The equipment is required to be a single piece without peripherals or cables for internal module connection, featuring a singular power supply point and a physical on/off button.

Notably, this act does not cover personal computers, tablets, Smart TV Boxes, projectors, or televisions with interactive frames.

Compliance Timeline

The new regulations will come into effect 180 days following their publication, giving manufacturers and educational institutions ample time to adapt to these changes.

For more information on Brazil ANATEL approval requirements, please contact iCertifi.

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