Russia – The Importance of Type Approval

Russia is setting an example for the importance of type approval by taking measures to ensure that conformity regulations are being followed legally. The recently adopted Decree Nº 300 of the Government of the Russian Federation has updated the powers of RosAccreditation (Federal Service for Accreditation, FSA) and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russia. It has been determined that the FSA has the right to inspect the activities of accreditation entities and in cases where violations are found they may issue an injunction to fix the violations, suspend the authority or terminate the authority or testing lab.

In the first two months of this year, the FSA conducted 225 audits of Russian certification bodies, organizations, and testing laboratories for possible violations.

As a result of the inspections:

  • 15 accreditation authorities received orders to fix violations
  • 10 accreditation authorities were were suspended (including 2 certification bodies and 7 testing laboratories)
  • 6 accreditation organizations were terminated

It is very important to note that getting type approval certificates in Russia without completing the mandatory government procedures is very unsafe and we recommend that manufacturers contact certification companies such as iCertifi to eliminate complications. The FSA has stated that all certificates that are not trustworthy may be terminated, and we expect that they will.

Type approvals in Russia are based on two types of conformity assessment procedures – Certification (CoC) and Declaration (DoC). For Declaration of Conformity the Applicant must be a local entity registered at the territory of a EAEU Member Country. All conformity assessment works (testing/inspection/certification) can only be done by local Certification Bodies/Testing Laboratories accredited in the EAEU Member countries by their National Accrediting Authorities. Samples and testing may be required and for product importation the products must have the EAC mark affixed to the product.

For all Russia type approval services and to avoid confrontation with customs, please contact our certification team.

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