Paraguay – Requirements for Importers of Mobile Phones

Importers of Mobile Phones

As of September 21, 2019, Resolution № 410 — “Procedure for the registration of importers, automatic and non-automatic prior licence, and Compulsory Certification of mobile phones, parts of mobile phone equipment and non-integrated motherboards” will be in effect.

Importers of mobile phones and phone equipment, must obtain the mandatory type approval certification through CONATEL and register International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) provided by the manufacturers.

This Regulation defines the procedures for registration of the following:

  • Register of importers of mobile phones including factory accessories
  • Register of importers of parts of mobile phone equipment
  • Register of importers of non-integrated motherboards of mobile phone equipment

The official document from the Paraguayan Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC) can be viewed here.

If you have questions on Type Approval procedures in Paraguay, please contact iCertifi.

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