Algeria -New Procedures for Type Approval

Algeria - Updated Regulation for SRD

New procedures for Type Approval in Algeria have been published by Autorite de Regulation de la Poste Et Des Communications Electroniques (ARPCE) in “Decision N°28/SP/PC/ARPECE/2019 du 16/10/2019”. The official document can be read here.

Some key changes include:

  • The validity of all certificates is 3 years now instead of 2
  • SAR test are now mandatory
  • Certificate of Origin is a mandatory document for Type Approval application
  • Type Approved equipment must be labeling with ” Homologué par l’ARPCE XXXXXX” plus include the certificate number
  • Submitted test reports should not be older than 3 years

If you have any questions, please contact iCertifi.

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