Argentina – Important Update to ENACOM Labeling Requirements

Argentina electrical safety certification

On August 12, 2022, the Ente Nacional de las Comunicaciones (ENACOM) published Note No: NO-2022-83513667-APN-DYNART#ENACOM to update the labeling requirements for certificate renewals.

It has been two years since the publication of ENACOM Resolution No. 854/2020, which replaced the CNC ID and logo design and established the mandatory minimum guidelines for the marking of equipment registered in the RAMATEL. ENACOM considers the transition period over and revokes the previous criteria that allowed the continued use of the CNC label for renewals.

Therefore, from now on, ENACOM will only accept renewal requests with the regulatory marking design based on the RAMATEL isologotype/isotype.

This information will be published, following the procedure that has been applied on the ENACOM website, annulling note NO-2020-56347431-APN-SNYE#ENACOM.

If you have questions on how this will effect your ENACOM certifications or to request a quote for an ENACOM file update, please contact iCertifi.

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