Brazil – ANATEL Approval of 5G Devices

Act No. 9960 ANATEL 2024

As of June 12, 2020, ANATEL set the requirements to approve 5G (NR) devices according to Acts 3151/3152/3153, as mentioned in our June blog.

In response to the current COVID situation and also the lack of accredited labs in Brazil, ANATEL also published official letters No.417 and No.598. These letters allow the approval of equipment with 5G (NR) technology to be tested and certified according to 2G/ 3G/ 4G technologies and permit the submission of the 5G (NR) test reports for these technologies until January 31, 2021. However, if the 5G tests fail, a recall will be required.

In addition, ANATEL published official letters No.576 and No.584, which determine the procedures for SAR and EMC testing for devices with 5G (NR), with the intent to reduce the number of conditions and improve the testing time due the lack of laboratories.

For more information, please contact iCertifi.

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