Brazil – ANATEL Expands Requirements for Smart TV Box Certification

Act No. 9960 ANATEL 2024

On July 13, 2023, The National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) published Act No. 9281, of July 5, 2023, the new technical requirements for conformity assessment of Smart TV Box.

ANATEL acknowledged the necessity to broaden the existing certification requirements for this equipment, including within the Conformity Assessment procedure the examination of functionalities that enable the infringement of audiovisual copyright. This adjustment is in response to the increasing utilization of TV Boxes to illicitly access audiovisual content.

New conformity assessment includes the following checks:

· Existence of any software or application installed by default on the product that is on the list of irregular equipment or software published or endorsed by ANATEL.

· Existence in the product of any software , application, functionality or instructions that indicate copyright infringement of audiovisual content.

· If the equipment is supplied with facilities for changing the characteristics of its operating system ( root mode ) or if it allows the installation of unverified third-party applications in an official store, which facilitates the installation of pirated applications by the common user.

· If there is information or instructions on the use, update or installation of software or applications intended for illicit access to audiovisual content on the manufacturer’s or national representative’s website, in the product manual or in any other documentation relating to the equipment.

The new requirements become mandatory from September 11, 2023.

For more information on Brazil ANATEL conformity assessment, please contact iCertifi.

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