Brazil – ANATEL Published Guidelines for Modular and End Device Approval

Act No. 9960 ANATEL 2024

On October 7, 2022 ANATEL published the Official letter Nº 218/2022 which defines the guidelines for the approval procedure of RF modules included in telecom products.

Summary of approval procedures:

* Non-removable module: RF circuit designed as part of the main board (motherboard) circuit, which cannot be removed.

**Devices that depends on the RF function for its primary function of intended use.

***New procedure defined. If the end device can use different RF module’s suppliers but with the same specification/technology (considering they are pin to pin, no changes in the layout/PCB), it is possible to approve all versions in the same certificate, but testing is required on all versions.

Final products using pre-approved modules will have the option to use the approval certificate of the module according to the procedures called out in the Official letter Nº 218/2022. These include:

  • proper identification of the module together with its ANATEL approval number
  • reference in the manual, quick start guide or on final product stating “The technical evaluation of the module, model XXXX, was not carried out, since it is approved under the approval code HHHHH-AA-FFFFF.”
  • the final product must contain the following information “This certificate is linked to the validity of the approval certificate of the RF module, model XXXXX, approved under the code NNNNN-AA-FFFFF.”

For more information on the ANATEL process for RF modular approval, please contact iCertifi.




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