Brazil – Mobile Device Manufacturers Must Register The TAC Code

ANATEL issued an official letter 25/2019 – Legal Cell Project which details the Agency’s request that all Mobile Device suppliers and manufacturers must register the TAC (Type Allocation Code) in the system database developed by ABR Telecom, called SIGA (Integrated Device Management System), for products that connect to a SMP network in Brazil.

ANATEL has requested all OCDs to advise manufacturers and suppliers who are applying for certification of products used in SMP networks of the need to register the TAC codes of their products in the SIGA system, prior to their sale. Thus, the manufacturer or supplier for the certification will have to declare to the OCD their knowledge of the obligation to register the TAC (s) in the GSMA.

Failure of the applicant to register the TAC (s) in the GSMA will result in a penalty.  The mobile terminal access to the network of the providers of the country’s mobile services will be blocked, even if it is homologated by ANATEL, due to the absence or non-compliance of the information in the SIGA system database. Therefore, damages caused to the users for not complying with this determination, agreed at the plenary meeting of the Working Group of the Legal Cell Project, will be the responsibility of the applicant for homologation.

ANATEL also request that any company concerned contact ABR Telecom ( for the purposes of registering the TAC numbers and for clarifying the other information on the procedure in question.

Please contact iCertifi for all homologation requirements in Brazil.

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