Canada – ISED Consultation on RSS-248, issue 3, Radio Local Area Network (RLAN) Devices Operating in the 5925-7125 MHz Band

ISED consultation

The Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) is calling for public consultation on a regulatory document that will impact manufacturers and users of Radio Local Area Network (RLAN) devices. This consultation focuses on the proposed updates in the RSS-248, issue 3, for devices operating in the 5925-7125 MHz frequency band.

About the Consultation:

ISED’s latest draft, RSS-248, issue 3, titled “Radio Local Area Network (RLAN) Devices Operating in the 5925-7125 MHz Band,” introduces guidelines and specifications for a new class of equipment known as “very low-power devices.” The document outlines specific power limits and operational requirements essential for compliance and optimal functionality within this band.

This consultation is crucial for manufacturers, technology developers, and stakeholders in the telecommunications industry. The standards set will dictate the design, development, and deployment of future RLAN devices, potentially affecting a wide range of products and services in the Canadian market.

How to Participate:

The draft document and the form for submitting comments are available on the Radio Advisory Board of Canada (RABC) website. Stakeholders and interested parties are encouraged to review the proposed changes and express their feedback.

Important Dates:

Comments on the RSS-248, issue 3, are due by September 6, 2024. It’s important for all stakeholders to submit their feedback by this deadline to ensure that their voices are heard in the finalization of the regulatory standards.

If you would like more information about ISED regulations or if you require a local ISED Agent, please get in touch with iCertifi, your trusted ISED partner.

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