China – CCC Regulation Update

The CNCA along with the Market Supervision General Administration of China have recently announced a CCC regulation update. The major changes include a list of products that no longer require the mandatory CCC Mark. Products removed from the catalogue include burglar alarm systems, modem (with card) and wireless LAN products.

The second change increases the self-declaration evaluation method for some products that allow this type of certification. Companies may choose to be certified by a designated certification body according to existing methods, or they may use the self-declaration process to prove the product continuously meets the applicable standards of mandatory certification. However, due to the increased implementation rules for self-declaration and the complicated documentation process, there is a high risk of not getting through China customs without proper CCC certification.

We strongly recommend consulting our compliance experts to identify if your product requires mandatory certification for market access.


  • Reply Franck Deschamps June 19, 2018 at 9:21 am

    Can you clarify the meaning to be in Annex 1 and 2 ? Is Slef-Declaration mandates CCC Marking nevertheless ?

    • Reply ppreston June 22, 2018 at 6:59 pm

      Thanks for the inquiry. Products listed in Annex 1 of the announcement from the CNCA are no longer in the scope of CCC certification. Starting October 1, 2018, products listed in Annex 2 have been added to the self-declaration scheme. The announcement reads “The products that are listed in the compulsory certification list and are allowed to use self-declaration to prove that the product continuously meets the applicable standards of mandatory certification and the relevant requirements of the implementation rules shall meet the applicable standards and relevant requirements of the products (hereinafter referred to as product conformity). The evaluation and product conformity information are submitted and marked with the CCC mark before they can be shipped, sold, imported or used in other business activities.” Annex 3 Mandatory Product Self-declaration Implementation Rules.

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