China – Update 76-77GHz Band for Automotive Radar Usage

MIIT Regulation No. (2025) 22

Effective March 1, 2022, China will update the usage of the 76-77GHz band for automotive radar equipment.  This new regulation will be replacing the 24.25–26.65GHz band for on-board radar devices. Also the updated regulation will expand the current 76-77GHz band usage for vehicle ranging radar devices to 76-79GHz.

The 76-79GHz band will be used for applications such as:

  • Adaptive Cruise Control Systems
  • Collision Avoidance Systems
  • Blind Spot Detection
  • Lane Change Assistance
  • Parking Assistance
  • Rear Vehicle Warning
  • Pedestrian detection

These bands will be restricted to automotive use and will not be allowed for other types of land based radar devices nor for use in aircrafts.

The use of the 76-79GHz frequency band will not require a radio station license, however, the radar device must be compliant with the requirements and national standards in respect to automotive performance and safety of vehicles. The equipment must also meet the requirements from Chinese governmental departments such as the national road traffic safety administration. The radars must also  show compliance with the national electromagnetic radiation limits set forth by the regulatory authorities.

After the implementation date of March 1, 2022 the Chinese National Radio Administration will halt SRRC approvals for automotive devices which use the 24.25-26.65GHz  and expand the 76-77GHz bands for all new products being introduced into the Chinese market. Product which previously were approved using the current bands will be allowed  until further notice.

For questions regarding this updated change to the automotive radar regulations in China please contact iCertifi.

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