Colombia – CRC Eliminated Type Approval For Some Equipment

The CRC has eliminated type approval for some equipment, in response to technological advances and the desire to simplify regulatory rules in Colombia. The official Resolution Nº 5866 of 2019 can be viewed here.

“For the CRC this project is very important as a necessary factor to stimulate investment, which in turn has a positive impact on the economic growth of the sector and the well-being of the users of communications services in Colombia”, explained Carlos Lugo Silva , Executive Director of the CRC.

The items eliminated totally or partially are identified as no longer used, duplicates or obsolete due to technological evolution. They include fixed terminal equipment and satellite telephone equipment. Please note that devices operating in cellular frequencies still require type approval and a “Letter of No Homologation” can be issued for devices using other RF bands including 2.4GHZ and 5GHz.

If you have questions on Colombia type approval please contact our certification team.


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