Colombia – SIC Labeling Requirements for Mobile Terminal Equipment

SIC Labeling

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) has published Circular Nº009 of December 19, 2022, regarding the “Instructions on the minimum information to be provided to consumers about Mobile Terminal Equipment, in relation to the mobile telecommunications network(s) that support such devices and other relevant characteristics” and by which “External Circular 02 of November 7, 2019” is repealed.

SIC requests the following label information on mobile terminal equipment:

  • supported telecommunications service network to which the mobile communication device can be connected (2G, 3G,4G, 5G etc.)
  • the capacity of the device’s RAM memory in GB or in MB if said capacity does not exceed 1GB
  • the internal storage capacity expressed in GB or in MB if said capacity does not exceed 1GB
  • the type of processor that the device contains and the capacity of said processor in GHZ

For commercialization of mobile terminal equipment using a non-traditional manner or online, the information indicated above must appear together with the image of the equipment offered in a size that is clearly identifiable and easy for the consumer to understand.

If you would like more information on Colombia mobile terminal equipment requirements, please contact iCertifi.

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