The Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones (SUTEL) has published Resolution RCS-141-2022 “Modificación parcial del procedimiento de homologación de terminales de telecomunicaciones móviles”. The new Regulation states a partial modification of the type approval procedure for mobile terminals.
According to Resolution RCS-141-2022, the changes for new applications for mobile telecommunication terminals include:
- Registration with the Dirección General de Calidad (DGC) which must be must be updated every four years via a notarized declaration letter, companies that already have registration will also need to perform this update every four years to maintain its validity.
- A sworn statement, signed before a notary public, may be used to start a type approval process.
RCS-141-2022 came into effect on June 16th, 2022 and revokes RCS-118-2021.
If you have questions, please contact iCertifi.