Egypt – Updated NTRA Type Approval Procedures for Telecom Equipment

Egypt - Updated NTRA Type Approval Procedures

The Egypt National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (NTRA) has recently updated its Type Approval procedures to ensure that all telecom equipment meets the necessary standards. At iCertifi, we help you navigate these updated procedures effortlessly. Here’s a simplified overview of the new Egypt NTRA Type Approval Schemes.

Understanding the Updated Type Approval Schemes

The Egypt NTRA Type Approval procedures are now categorized into three distinct schemes based on the complexity and risk level of the telecom equipment:

  1. Light Scheme
  2. Intermediate Scheme
  3. Tight Scheme

The applicable scheme for a product can be determined using a detailed decision-making process, ensuring the correct level of scrutiny and testing is applied.

Scheme Determination Chart

The following flowchart helps determine the applicable scheme based on factors such as the manufacturer’s ISO17025 accreditation for EMC testing and specific conditions related to the manufacturer’s branch location, ISO certification, and certification body registration.

Labeling Requirements for Compliance

Ensuring your products are correctly labeled is a critical part of the Type Approval process. Here are the labeling requirements based on the type of product:

*For devices of a small size that do not allow labeling of all required information, it is sufficient to label only the brand and the model without violating labeling requirements for other items.

Key Notes for All Schemes

  • Arabic User Manual: For products targeting the general public like mobile phones, home routers, etc., an Arabic user manual must be included. The Arabic translation must be carried out by a translation party accredited by any governmental entity in the Arab countries.
  • Random Testing: NTRA may randomly collect and re-test samples to ensure ongoing compliance.
  • Manufacturing in Egypt: Specific commitments and reporting are required for products manufactured in Egypt to ensure compliance with local regulations.

The Approval Procedures Explained

Light Type Approval Scheme

The Light Scheme is the simplest of the three, intended for products with a lower risk profile. It involves submitting essential documents and samples for evaluation. Once accepted, the product is tested, and if it passes, it receives the Type Approval certificate.

Intermediate Type Approval Scheme

The Intermediate Scheme is designed for products with a moderate risk profile. In addition to the standard documents and samples, additional documentation is required for products manufactured in Egypt. This ensures a thorough evaluation of the product’s compliance with NTRA standards.

Tight Type Approval Scheme

The Tight Scheme is the most stringent, suitable for high-risk products. It requires a Verification of Compliance (VoC) from NTRA Group A accredited test labs. Products must undergo pre-shipment Verification of Conformity (PVoC) before being shipped to ensure they meet all regulatory requirements.


Navigating the updated Egypt NTRA Type Approval procedures can be complex, but it is essential for ensuring your telecom equipment complies with all regulatory standards. At iCertifi, we specialize in simplifying this process for you, handling all aspects of the Type Approval to ensure a smooth market entry for your products.

For more information on how we can assist you with Egypt NTRA Type Approvals, contact iCertifi today.

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