EU – European Commission Decision (EU) 2022/179 on 5GHz Frequency Band

Directive (EU) 2022/2380 on Common Charger

The European Commission has implemented Decision (EU) 2022/179 of 8 February 2022 on the harmonized use of radio spectrum in the 5 GHz frequency band for the implementation of wireless access systems including radio local area networks and repealing Decision 2005/513/EC.

The Decision harmonizes the conditions for the availability and efficient use of the 5150-5250 MHz, 5250-5350 MHz and 5470-5725 MHz frequency bands for wireless access systems including radio local area networks (WAS/RLANs).

By March 31, 2022, Member States of the EU must make these bands available for the implementation of WAS/RLANs in accordance with the technical conditions described in the Annex of (EU) 2022/179 .

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