In January 2025, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) expanded the Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) Candidate List by adding five new substances and updating one existing entry, bringing the total to 247 substances. This update has significant implications for companies operating within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA).
New Additions to the SVHC List
The five substances added to the SVHC list are:
- 6-[(C10-C13)-alkyl-(branched, unsaturated)-2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yl]hexanoic acid
- O,O,O-triphenyl phosphorothioate
- Octamethyltrisiloxane
- Perfluamine
- Reaction mass of: triphenylthiophosphate and tertiary butylated phenyl derivatives
Updated Entry
The entry for Tris (4-nonylphenyl, branched and linear) phosphite has been updated to reflect its classification as an endocrine disruptor for the environment. This substance is commonly used in polymers, adhesives, sealants, and coatings.
Implications for Companies
Companies that manufacture, import, or use these substances must:
- Provide Information: Inform customers and consumers if articles contain more than 0.1% (weight by weight) of any SVHC, including safe usage instructions.
- Notify ECHA: Submit notifications if articles contain SVHCs above the 0.1% threshold and the total quantity exceeds one tonne per year.
- Update Safety Data Sheets (SDS): Ensure SDS reflect the presence of SVHCs and provide relevant safety information.
Stay Compliant
Ignoring REACH obligations can result in legal and financial consequences. Stay updated with the full SVHC list on the ECHA website. For more information on REACH requirements, please contact iCertifi.