The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) has published a new circular to inform manufacturers that MeitY is executing market surveillance for the registrations granted by BIS under “Electronics and Information Technology Goods (Requirements for Compulsory Registration) Order, 2012 (CRO)”.
The manufacturer is responsible for the cost of surveillance plus test charges and are requested to provide the following information to STPI:

Manufacturers are also required to provide a declaration of all models that are not sold in the market. If models are found in the market, the cases will be processed for cancellation of registration.
Surveillance funds are to be deposited into an STPI account prior to surveillance activities. The manufacturer needs to deposit the following charges for executing the surveillance activity by January 31st, 2019.
- Cost of the sample – MRP of the samples sold in the market.
- Lab test charges, logistics/packaging chargers, and charges for the storage of counter samples.
- Cost of transportation and packaging (25% of test charge)
- Cost of storage (25% of test charge)
For additional information on products required for Market Surveillance please contact our iCertifi team.