India – BIS Relaxation for Some Type Approvals

MTCTE India compliance

Due to the government lock down to help stop the spread of COVID-19, India’s BIS acknowledges that manufacturers will likely face problems in preparing documentation for some type approval renewal. In light of the current situation, the following temporary relaxation measures have been issued by BIS:

  • For all renewal licences due during and 30 days after the lock down period – 
    • Deferment may be allowed until 30 days after the lock down is lifted
    • A submission of a late fee with renewal application within 90 days may be allowed with certain provisions
  • For all licenses that are to expire within the 90 day deferment period – 
    • Deferment of the license beyond 90 days may be allowed until 30 days after the lock down is lifted.

If you have questions, please contact iCertifi.

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