India – MTCTE Phase V Devices Mandatory for Certification by July 1, 2024

MTCTE India compliance

The Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC) of India recently issued a vital reminder: starting from July 1, 2024, Phase V devices must undergo certification under MTCTE, making compliance mandatory.

The list of products falling under Phase V includes:

  1. Base Stations for Cellular Networks tailored for 5G
  2. 5G Core
  3. Hypervisors
  4. E-band Fixed Radio Relay Systems
  5. Converged Multi-Service Application Access Equipment (C-MSAAE)
  6. IP Terminals
  7. Hybrid Set-Top Boxes

Since July 1, 2023, MTCTE has been open to receiving applications for certification of these products. However, it’s crucial to note that test reports for technical parameters, issued by ILAC accredited labs from non-border countries, will be accepted only until June 30, 2024.

For any inquiries or clarifications about Phase V devices and the certification process, please reach out to iCertifi.

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