India – Requirements for Products in Phase II of MTCTE

MTCTE India compliance

The Telecommunications Engineering Center (TEC) in India will enforce mandatory TEC approval requirements for products in the Phase II product list from October 1, 2020.

Mandatory Testing and Certification of Telecom Equipments (MTCTE) was issued for the following products:

  1. Transmission Terminal Equipment (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) Equipment, Multiplexing Equipment)
  2. PON (Passive Optical Network) Family of Broadband Equipment (PON ONT, PON ONU and PON OLT)
  3. Feedback Device

Applications will accepted as of June 25, 2020 however, the certifications will be mandatory beginning October 1, 2020. ILAC test reports will be accepted for Technical Parameters of the ER (SAR, Interfaces and Radio reports) until September 30, 2020.


For more information, please contact iCertifi.

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