India – TEC Mandatory Approval

The Government of India, Department of Telecommunications, will implement TEC mandatory approval starting in October 1, 2018, as part of a progressive roll out schemeThe scope of certification will cover all types of telecom equipment to be sold in India or any telecom equipment which is used, or capable of being used, with any telecom equipment. This means if any telecom communication feature is used in any device then it requires TEC certification as well.

The technical regulations prescribed under this framework are in the form of Essential Requirements. The Essential Requirements (ER) to be complied for the purpose of certification under this procedure will include following:

  • EMI/EMC: As prescribed by TEC
  • Safety: As prescribed by TEC
  • Technical Requirements: As prescribed by TEC
  • Other Requirements: As notified by TEC/DoT/any Government Agency from time to time
  • Security Requirements: As per notification issued by DoT

The validity of the Telecom Equipment Certification (TEC) is for 5 years. Acceptance of self-certification/ OEM’s test results will not be allowed. Other country EMC/safety-CB/SAR reports (internationally Accredited by ILAC network) are acceptable till March’19,2019 if they meet all ER parameters and must be valid within one year. Test reports from TEC-accredited labs or test labs of MRA partner countries can be used to obtain TEC in lieu of testing. At the time of certification renewal, if there have been no modifications made to the equipment then no testing will be required.

It is important to note that devices not covered under TEC such as detached power supplies and WiFi Modules shall be handled by WPC directly.  Therefore, some devices may require TEC in combination with WPC and BIS certifications.

There are many questions arising from this new regulation. For a list of devices requiring TEC or for any India certification requirements, please contact our iCertifi team.

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