Indonesia – SDPPI Local Testing Accepted for 76 – 77 GHz Vehicular Radar

SDPPI Updated Technical Standards for Short-Range Devices

iCertifi has been informed that SDPPI is now able to accept local testing for 76 – 77 GHz Vehicular Radar. On February 11th 2020, the Directorate General Of Posts and Information (SDPPI) issued the technical reference “PERDIRJEN SDPPI No 3 Tahun 2020″. This regulation defined the Technical Requirements of Automotive Short Range Radar System.

Previously, problems arose in the certification process due to the fact that there were no local labs that could perform radar testing based on the technical regulation. Fortunately, SDPPI has announced that they now have an accredited lab and can move forward with successfully issuing certificates for 76 – 77 GHz Vehicular Radar.

If you would like more information on Indonesia SDPPI approval, please contact iCertifi.

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