Indonesia – SDPPI New Regulations on SAR Implementation

SDPPI Updated Technical Standards for Short-Range Devices

The Directorate General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Information Technology (SDPPI) published KOMINFO No 177  Tahun 2024 on implementation of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) on Mobile Phones and Tablet Computers. This Decision is a follow up to the SDPPI public consultation carried out in August 2023.

Highlights of KOMINFO No. 177 Tahun 2024 are as follows:

  1. Implementation dates of SAR testing for mobile Phones and Tablet Computers are:
    1. Head: April 1, 2024
    2. Torso/body and (limb): August 1, 2024
  2. Every application for mobile phone and tablet computer devices after the effective dates must must comply with the SAR limit provisions and provide local SAR test reports.
  3. A two year grace period will be allowed for the following provisions:
    1. If the applicant does not have local SAR test report, certification can proceed pending receipt of a statement letter from the testing laboratory. This letter should outline details regarding the anticipated issuance date of the local SAR test report.
    2. Local SAR test report must be submitted to SDPPI within 14 calendar days after the report is issued by the test lab.

For more information on Indonesia SDPPI SAR testing requirements, please contact iCertifi.

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