Malaysia – SIRIM Changes eComM Notifications And Suspension Of Expired Certificates

Malaysia IPv6 Test Report

The Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) has modified the notification format for its platform, eComM (Online Certification for Communication and Multimedia Products).

Notification emails will no longer contain links to Type Approval Certificates (TACs) that have recently been issued or renewed.

Rather, TAC Certificates will only be available upon login into the relevant eComM account and possessing the necessary authorizations.

Only the local importer (certificate holder) will be able to access certificates.

It may be essential to obtain more cooperation from customers, and arranging with local importers for credentials will be necessary. There might be type approval delays.

In addition, CoCs will now be automatically barred or stopped for renewal if they have been expired for more than six (6) months.

If the CoC has expired for longer than six (6) months, the system will automatically suspend it with prior warning from SIRIM QAS International in accordance with clause 4.3 of the Certification Agreement eTAC/DOC/01-1. Without providing the Certificate Holder any additional notice, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) would suggest cancelling the CoC if no action is taken by the Holder within fourteen (14) working days following the CoC’s suspension date.

A grace period of 30 days is provided to affected candidates to submit their renewal applications after the notification date. The approved Type Approval application will be closed after 30 days if nothing is done, and the affected model will need to apply for fresh Type Approval before it can be imported.

For more information on Malaysia SIRIM approvals, please contact iCertifi.

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