Malaysia – SIRIM Update on Marketing Name Information Declaration

Malaysia IPv6 Test Report

The Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM), issued a reminder corresponding to the announcement no. SQASI/CMCS/1/21/0007, stating that the product marketing name is required in the Type Approval application. This information is used to facilitate the consumer and regulator’s enforcement team in verifying the product certification status via CYL mobile application.

As such, all Type Approval applicants shall ensure the product marketing name information is declared upon application submission and is available on the marketed product. If the product is marketed without a specific marketing name, applicants shall input the marketing name information field in e-ComM with the specific model name.

The marketing name information must be traceable from at least one (1) of the following:
1. Product Specification
2. User Manual
3. Product Brochure
4. Product Marking 
5. Product Packaging

If Private and Confidential (P&C) to the competitor is concerned, the Certificate Holder may request to delay the publication of approval information in e-ComM until the product is launched.

If you would like further information, please contact iCertifi.

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