Mauritius – ICTA Opens 6GHz Band for WAS/RLAN

Mauritius 5945-6425 MHz

On August 4, 2022, the Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA) published the “Decision for Allocation of Additional Spectrum in the Frequency Range 5945-6425 MHz for Broadband Wireless Access Services in Mauritius”.

The Decision states:

The frequency band 5945-6425 MHz be made available for WAS/RLAN use as follows:

  • Indoor Low Power (ILP) devices restricted to indoor use only. Outdoor use of
    those Indoor Low Power devices (including in road vehicles) is not permitted;
  • Very Low Power (VLP) devices for both indoor and outdoor use, except for fixed
    outdoor use. Use of Very Low Power devices on radio-controlled models is

The frequency band 5945-6425 MHz shall be used by WAS/RLAN equipment on a non-exclusive, non-interference and non-protected basis;

WAS/RLAN devices shall comply with the technical conditions and standardization requirements specified in Annex 1 of the Decision.

If you would like more information, please contact iCertifi.

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