Mexico – IFT Extends Public Consultation on IFT-016-2023 and IFT-017-2023

IFETEL Annual Closure Dates

On December 1, 2023, the Mexico Regulator Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT) launched two public consultations on the topics below:

– Draft Technical Provision IFT-016-2023, for Low Power Radiocommunication Devices: Devices that make use of frequency bands of the radio spectrum in the range of 30 MHz to 3 GHz – Specifications, limits and test methods.
– Draft Technical Provision IFT-017-2023, for Radiocommunication systems that use wireless access – Local area radio networks – Radiocommunication equipment that uses digital modulation technique and that operate in the bands 5150 MHz-5250 MHz, 5250 MHz-5350 MHz, 5470 MHz-5600 MHz, 5650 MHz-5725 MHz, 5725 MHz-5850 MHz and 5925 MHz-6425 MHz bands.

IFT has extended the consultation deadlines until March 29, 2024 (120 calendar days).

For more information on Mexico IFT Type Approval requirements, please contact iCertifi.

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