Mexico- New Conformity Assessment Procedure for Radio/Telecom

Technical Provision IFT-016-2024

Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFETEL), has published a new Conformity Assessment Procedure for telecommunications products in the Mexican Official Gazette that will enter into force on February 25, 2021. The new procedure will impact all products, equipment, devices, apparatus and infrastructure for telecommunications or broadcasting that can be connected to a network of telecommunications and/or make use of radio spectrum.

In addition, four certification schemes are introduced:

  • Single Batch
  • Multiple Batch with Market Surveillance
  • Family of Products with Market Surveillance
  • Telecom and Broadcasting Device Certification with Market Surveillance

Market Surveillance will be mandatory and selected at random.

Certificates of Conformity issued before the new procedure enters into force will remain valid in the terms in which they were issued. The certificates cannot be updated after February 25, 2021, i.e., addition of a new HS Code; a new certificate would be needed in accordance to the new regulation.

As the mandatory product scopes have been enlarged, we advise that you please contact iCertifi for a summary of the new regulations and to determine proper certification for your products.

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