Mexico – New NOM-001 is in Effect, Are Your Devices Ready?

Mexico – The new standard NOM-001-SCFI-2018, Electronic Devices – Safety Requirements and Test Methods, which cancels NOM-001- SCFI-1993, came into effect on August 14, 2020.  The deadline for shipping devices into Mexico based on the old standard has passed and we encourage manufacturers to ensure your devices are correctly certified.

If you find that you are ready to ship your products but are certified according to the previous standard, we suggest you contact iCertifi before shipping to avoid getting delayed at Customs. These delays do not only cost you time, but penalty and storage fees can add up as well.

Important Changes:

  • The new lead time for the issuance of a test report will be increased.
  • All devices working with Solar Energy will be tested now under this new Standard, however they will be analyzed per request.
  • This new Standard includes devices that are also covered under NOM-019-SCFI-1998. This means if the HS Code considers 2 Standards, samples must be tested under both.
  • All testing methods will now be destructive to any sample received. You need to consider that all NOM-001 testing will be done to components mainly, so electronic cards will be tested also and destroyed.

For more details and to ensure your products will not get delayed at the border, please contact our certification team.

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