Moldova – New Marking Requirements

moldova updated Harmonized Standards for EMC

According to the new regulation TR34/2019, which will come into force on February, 2021, the application of both CE and SM mark on the same product will not be permitted anymore.

TR34/2019 defines the following:

  • Manufacturers are no longer permitted to affix the SM conformity mark and the CE marking to the same radio equipment.
  • The affixing of the conformity mark is performed during the manufacturing process. Therefore, radio equipment manufacturers can decide to apply either the SM mark or the CE mark only on equipment produced after February 22, 2021.
  • The products and stocks of products which were previously approved by the authority and manufactured and labeled prior to February 22, 2021, are not required to comply with this provision and shall be allowed to be placed on the market of Republic of Moldova even if both conformity marks are placed on the same equipment.

The Certification authority in Moldova recommends that manufacturers who have not begun Type Approval applications, or have only partially completed the application process, start to remove the SM mark if the radio equipment is already labelled with the CE mark.

Fore more detailed information, please contact iCertifi.

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