Pakistan – Type Approval Delays/ National Shutdown

Pakistan Enablement of Next-Gen Wi-Fi in 6 GHz Band

The political situation in Pakistan has taken a turn for the worse, with the country undergoing a national shutdown/lockdown due to widespread political riots and unrest. The cause of this unrest is the arrest of the leader of Pakistan’s biggest political party. As a result, the military forces have been deployed to stabilize the law and order situation in multiple provinces.

The shutdown/lockdown has impacted the country in several ways. Firstly, the internet connectivity is widely impacted throughout the country, with only partial intermittent access to the internet. This has caused many difficulties, with all government and private offices temporarily shut down. As a result, there may be delays in regulator lead times, shipments arrival/dispatches, communication response times, and customs clearance activities.

Moreover, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) is also partially closed, and it is still unclear when work will resume at the regulator’s office. This has caused delays regarding regulatory approvals and permits.

We will continue to monitor the situation and value your understanding during this time of uncertainty. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your iCertifi Project Manager or email us at

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