Qatar – Plans for 5G

The Qatar Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) has recently published the details of its preliminary frequency bands plans for 5G mobile services.  The allocated bands include the 700 MHz, 3500 MHz and 26 GHz.

The plans for 5G mention that the 700 MHz frequency band will be deployed to accommodate the demand of the service providers and for the applications of the public protection and disaster relief (PPDR). The CRA will initially distribute the frequency range 3400-3600 MHz with a 100 MHz bandwidth carrier for each service provider. They are planning to assign the frequency range 26.5 – 27.5 GHz with a 400 MHz bandwidth carrier for each service provider.

As more countries prepare their plans for 5g we will keep you updated. For questions regarding 5G market access please contact our global compliance team.

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