Qatar – Public Consultation Notification: Class License for Short Range Devices (SRDs) Version No. 5

CRA Qatar

The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) of Qatar has released a draft version of the Class License for Short Range Devices (SRDs) Version No. 5 for public consultation. This document outlines the regulatory framework, technical requirements, and compliance obligations for SRDs. Stakeholders are invited to present their views and comments by June 25, 2024.

Objective of the Public Consultation

The purpose of this consultation is to gather feedback from interested parties on the proposed updates to the Class License for SRDs. These updates aim to align with the rapid advancements in telecom standardizations and ensure the efficient use of the radio spectrum in Qatar.

Key Changes and Updates

Grant of License The new draft grants the Class License to any person operating SRDs in Qatar, specifying the conditions and procedures for their usage without requiring individual applications.

Operation of Short Range Devices The license outlines the authorized frequency bands and power levels for SRDs, emphasizing the need for type approval from CRA.

Compliance and Safety Standards The draft includes detailed safety measures and standards that licensees must adhere to, ensuring the safe operation of SRDs.

Modification and Amendment Procedures The CRA retains the right to modify the terms and conditions of the license to adapt to technological advancements and market developments.

Submission Guidelines Responses should be submitted via email to with the subject line “Consultation on Class License for Short Range Devices – Version No. 5”. The CRA requests that submissions include relevant evidence and clear alternative proposals where there is disagreement with the draft.

Confidentiality Submissions will be treated as non-confidential unless confidentiality is expressly requested and justified. Stakeholders must provide a non-confidential version of their submission if they wish to redact certain information.

Deadline for Responses

All responses must be submitted by June 25, 2024. The CRA encourages stakeholders to participate actively in this consultation to help shape the final version of the Class License for SRDs.

Further Information

For detailed information on the Class License for SRDs, please contact iCertifi.

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