Saudi Arabia – SASO Published New Updates for RoHS Required Documentation

Saudi Arabia telecom product regulations

The Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) has published in the Official Gazette, new updates for the technical regulation for the reduction of hazardous substances in electrical devices and equipment.

A few Annexes have been amended and include updates regarding the required documentation for RoHS Compliance.

Amendment of Article 5/2: The manufacturer or the legal representative of the manufacturer in the Kingdom must issue the supplier’s declaration of conformity for products supplied to the Saudi market.

Amendment to Article 5/3: A Technical File shall be provided along with the product that includes:

  • Supplier (Manufacturer/Importer) Declaration of Conformity in accordance with the form attached in Annex (4).
  • The Risk Assessment Document.
  • Necessary warnings and cautions and manuals for safe and sound operation and use of the product.

Adding Annex (1-b): new list of equipment exempted from applying the limits of hazardous substances for monitoring and control equipment.

If you would like more information on SASO RoHS Requirements, please contact iCertifi.


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