Senegal – ARTP Updated Regulation for SRD

Senegal – ARTP

On March 17, 2022, L’Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications et des Postes (ARTP) published Décision No. 2002-004 setting the general operating conditions for short-range radiocommunication devices (SRD Short-Range Devise).

The new ARTP SRD Table opens new bands including:

  • More bands permitted for Inductive applications (such as Wireless Chargers)
  • RTTT (24.05-24.5GHZ and 77-81GHz)
  • Non specific applications including radars (57-64GHz)
  • More bands permitted for radiodetermination, TLPR, TLP
  • Non Specific applications including VWB (6000-8500MHz)

Screenshot on this new regulation for Inductive Applications including Wireless Chargers:

Senegal SRD Regulation


For more information on the Senegal ARTP approval process, please contact iCertifi.

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